Track SEason 2025
Dates: January 9 - Late June, 2025
Practice Days and Times: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 5:00pm (until time changes in March - then 5:30pm). Saturday at 8:00am
Location: In and around Irvine
Races: Los Angeles, Long Beach, San Diego (most races are within a 45 minute drive)
Saturdays (March and early April)
Saturdays and Sundays (mid April - June)
Cost: 375 + 70 uniform if needed
Focus: We offer the following programs
Mid Distance - 400m, 800m
Long Distance - 1500m, 3000m, and 5ks
Road Races
Must attend at least 2 of the 3 weekly practices
Must commit to the entire season and the weekend races
Must be motivated to run. This is NOT a fitness program. We are a competitive racing team.
Age: 7 - 14 (up through 8th grade). We will take younger runners if they show the ability to sustain our practices.
Coaching Philosophy: To naturally develop each athlete's running ability and competitive strategies and to deliver them healthy and happy to high school athletics.